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Оглавление: Зрение (У.Г.Бейтс)
------ Страница 109 ------

Зрение (У.Г.Бейтс) - Страница 109

Imagination and vision.- 6 p.- // Jour.

Allied med. assoc. of Amer.- Oct.- 1921.

26. Bates W.H. The imperfect sight of the normal eye //

New York medical journal.- Sept.8.- 1917.

27. Bates W.H. Improving the sight of soldiers and

sailors and relieving pain.- New York, 1918.- 7 p.

28. Bates W.H. Memory as an aid to vision.- 10 p.// New

York medical journal.- May 24.- 1919.

29. Bates W.H. Myopia prevention by teachers // New York

medical journal.- 1913.- vol.xcviii.- pp.410-413.

30. Bates W.H. De la myopie fonctionnelle // La Clinique

ophtalmologique.- Paris.- 1912.- xviii.- pp.188-191.

31. Bates W.H. Perfect sight without glasses.- New York:

Central fixation publishing company, 1920.

32. Bates W.H. The prevention of myopia in school

children // New York medical journal.- 1911.- vol.xciv.- N

5.- pp.237-238.

33. Bates W.H. The radical cure of errors of refraction

by means of central fixation // New York medical journal.-

1915.- vol.CI.- N 19.- pp.925-933.

34. Bates W.H. Rechtes Sehen ohne Brille. Heilung

fehlerhaften Sehens durch Behandlung ohne Brille / Autor.

Ubers.aus dem Engl. von Elsbeth Friedrichs.- Grimma:

P.Schrecker, 1931.- 353 s.

35. Bates W.H. Shifting as an aid to vision.- 7 p.// New

York medical journal.- July 3.- 1920.

36. Bates W.H. Throw away your glasses.- 15 p.// Heart`s

internat.- Sept.- 1923.

37. Bates W.H. Treatment of myopia without glasses.//

Medical Record.- New York.- 1894.- xIv.- pp.104-106.

38. Bates W.H. The vision of a case of myopia improved

by treatment without glasses // Virginia Medical Monthly.-

Richmond.- 1891-1892.- xviii.- pp.941-943.

39. Benjamin, Harry. Adventure in living; the

autobiography of a myope.- London: Health for all pub. co.,

1950.- 192 p.

40. Benjamin, Harry. Better sight without glasses.-

London: Health for all publ.co., 1958.- 106 p.

41. Beswick, Ethel. Eyes, their use and abuse; how to

improve defective vision.- Ashingdon: Daniel, 1948.- 44 p.

42. Beswick K. Good eyesight: Our birthright.- London,

n.d.- 58 p.

43. Better eyesight (a monthly magazine devoted to the

prevention and cure of imperfect sight without glasses.-

vols. 1-14; July 1919 - June 1930)/ Ed. Bates W.H.- New York,

N.Y.: Central fixation publishing company [1919-1930].

44. Bragg, Patricia. Bragg system to better eye-sight.-

10th print.- Santa Ana (Calif.): Health science, 1973.- 33 p.

45. Corbett, Margaret Darst. Help yourself to better

sight.- 1st ed.- New York: Prentice Hall, 1949.- 218 p.

46. Corbett, Margaret Darst. How to improve your sight;

simple daily drills in relaxation.- rev.ed.- New York: Crown

Publishers, 1953.- 93 p.

47. Corbett, Margaret Darst. A quick guide to better

vision. How to have good eyesight without glasses.- Englewood

Cliffs (N.J.): Prentice-Hall, cop.1957.- 114 p.

48. Corbett, Margaret Darst. Vedere meglio senza

occiali...- Milano: Longanesi and c., 1950.- 302 стр.

49. Corbett, Margaret Darst. Yoga des yeux: Cet ouvrage

inspire des travaux du Dr. Bates, est une adapt. de l`oeuvre

de Margaret Darst Corbett "Help yourself to better sight" par

le Dr. Rene-Etienne Longue.- Verviers: Marabout, 1979.- 250


50. Cornsweet T.N., Crane H.D. Training the visual

accomodation system // Vision Res.- 13:713, 1973.

51. Curtin, Brian J. The Myopias: Basic science and

clinical management.- Philadelphia, 1985.- 495 p.

52. Devaraj T.L. Speaking of: Ayurvedic Remedies for

Common Diseases.- New Delhi, 1988.

53. Duke-Elder W.S. The Art of Seeing by A.L.Huxley,

Book review // British Medical Journal.- vol.1.- May 22.-

1943.- p.635.

54. Friedrichs, Elsbeth. Lernt wieder sehen! Neue

Heilwege fur kranke Augen.