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Johnny Marr * Sarah McLachlan (singer/songwriter) Source - -- Nettwerk`s WWW site * Paul & Linda McCartney -- The Vox Pop of Vegetarianism and -- Linda`s New Factory Source: VegSocUK - the McCartneys are VegSocUK`s patrons * Meatloaf * Yehudi Menuhin * Natalie Merchant (ex- 10,000 Maniacs) * Moby (vegan) * Morrissey (singer, also The Smiths) * Mutabaruka * Dave Navarro (Guitar player with Red Hot Chili Peppers, formerly of Janes Addiction) (vegan) * Olivia Newton John * Chris Novoselic (Nirvana) * Jason Orange (Take That) * Mark Owen (Take That) * Sinead O`Connor (vegan) * Ozzy Osborne * Doris Pearson (Five Star) * Linda Perry (4 Non Blondes) * Steve Perry (Lead singer Journey) Source: S.P.I.N. Steve Perry Info Network * Prince * Jackie Quinn * Rebel MC * Marisa Robles * Rikki Rocket (rock group Poison) (vegan) * Henry Rollins (Singer, writer, actor, publisher) Source: An interview with Rollins somewhere on the Net * Doug Savor (singer for Puritan) Source: personal acquaintance * Tom Scholz (Mastermind behind the rock-n-roll band Boston) (vegan) * Dave Scott (bassist w/ Reach) (vegan) * Sandi Shaw * Shelter (krsna-core band) Source: numerous interviews and the song "civilized man" from the Mantra album * Seal * Captain Sensible * The Shamen * Sinitta * Siouxsie Sioux * Grace Slick (Singer with Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship) Source: Grace talked about it during her workshop for The Learning Annex, San Francisco. * Heather Small (M-people, vegan) * Robert Smith (The Cure) * Jimmy Somerville * Ringo Starr (and his wife, Barbara Bach) * Keni St George * Sting (singer/bassist, Police/solo) * Michael Stipe (REM) * Geoff Tate (Vocalist for Queensryche) (vegan) * Richard Thompson (singer/songwriter) Source: August/September Dirty Linen Magazine * Tanita Tikaram * Steve Vai (guitarist (David Lee Roth, Whitesnake, Frank Zappa)) Source: Personal knowledge/Guitarist magazines * Sarah Washington * Charlie Watts (Stones) * Jane Weidlin (ex Go-Go`s) * Alan Wilder (Depeche Mode) * Vanessa Williams (pop singer) Source: Teen`s Guide to Going Vegetarian * Womack & Womack * "Weird" Al Yankovic (vegan) Source: John "Bermuda" Schwartz, drummer of Al`s band * Yazz (vegan) * Dweezil, Moon, Ahmet, Diva Zappa (Children of Frank Zappa. Dweezil and Ahmet have rock band "Z". Moon is an actress. Diva hasn`t chosen a carreer yet. All are drug and alcohol free as well.) Source: April 1993 Playboy Interview with Frank Zappa. Liner notes from "Confessions" (1991 Dweezil Zappa). Personal Conversations with Dweezil. * Benjamin Zephaniah (vegan)


* Hank Aaron (home run champion in major league baseball) Source: A Teen`s Guide to Going Vegetarian * B J Armstrong (US Basketball star) * Al Beckles (body builder) * Sorya Bonali (ice skater) * Les Brown (veteran runner) * Peter Burwash (tennis) * Andreas Cahling (body builder) * Chris Campbell (1980 world champion wrestler) * Joanna Conway (ice skater) * Sylvia Cranston (triathlete) * Sally Eastall (Marathon runner - UK No 2, vegan) * Di Edwards (runner, Olympic semi-finalist) * Cory Everson (bodybuilder, Ms Olympia 6 times) * Katie Fitzgibbon (marathon runner) * Clare Francis (sailer) * Louis Freitas (body builder) * Carol Gould (marathon runner) * Estelle Gray (cyclist) Source: A Teen`s Guide to Going Vegetarian * Sammy Green (runner) * Ruth Heidrich (3-time Ironman finisher, marathoner, age-group record holder, Pres. Vegetarian Society of Honolulu) (vegan) Source: personal acquaintance, also...her book--A Race for Life * Sally Hibberd (British Women`s Mountain Bike Champion) * Sharon Hounsell (Miss Wales Bodybuilding Champion) * Desmond Howard (formerly w/Washington Redskins, now w/Jacksonville Jaguars) Source: PETA mailer * Roger Hughes (Welsh National Ski Champion) * David Johnson (BAA coach) * Kathy Johnson (Olympic Gymnast) * Alan Jones (British ski jumper) * Billie Jean King (tennis champion) Source: A Teen`s Guide to Going Vegetarian * Killer Kowalski (wrestler) Source: A Teen`s Guide to Going Vegetarian * Jack LaLanne (Fitness guru) (vegan) * Donnie LaLonde (Former Light Heavyweight Champion of the World. (Lost title to Sugar Ray Leonard)) Source: Article in San Jose Mercury News * Tony LaRussa (Manager of St. Louis Cardinals – US team) Source: PETA, Animals Agenda, Animals Voice, Veg Times, others * Silken Laumann (Olympic rower) Source: Cooking Television Show * Judy Leden (British, European & World Hang Gliding champion) * Marv Levey (Buffalo Bills Coach) * Jutta M|ller (multiple Windsurfing World Cup Champion) Source: Flutlicht 95/6/18 on S|dwest 3 (German TV program) * Jack Maitland (triathlete and fell runner) * Cheryl Marek (cyclist) Source: A Teen`s Guide to Going Vegetarian * Leslie Marx (fencer;1996 woman`s epee national champion) * Kirsty McDermott (runner) * Lindford McFarquar (body builder) * Robert Millar (cyclist) * Monika Montsho (weightlifter, 2 x runnerup GB Championships 60kg, NW


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